Archive for April, 2010

04/26/10 Warrior’s Society Weekly News

In this issue:

1. Share 2010 Poker Ride, Saturday, May 15th

2. Rails to Trails Needs your help here in Orange County


Hello SHARE Members and Friends

Mark your calendars!

Here are the 2010 SHARE Poker Ride details:

Date: May 15, Time: 8am, Place: Santiago Oaks Regional Park.

Online registration only at:

[We need volunteers too. If you would like to help at a checkpoint or check-in, please email]


Dear Trail Advocates and Local Leaders:

Recently, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) learned of an upcoming railroad corridor abandonment in your area. On or about April 1, 2010, Union Pacific Railroad Company filed for the abandonment of 1.15 miles of track near the City of Brea in Orange County, California. We are providing you with this information so you may take advantage of the opportunity to develop a real regional asset — a multi-use trail that can accommodate hikers, bikers, equestrians and other appropriate uses.

BENEFITS OF RAIL-TRAILS: As you may know, there is already an extensive network of rail-trails around the country — more than 1,400 open trails, stretching more than 15,000 miles, with hundreds more miles of trail being developed. None of the nearby communities wanted to lose rail traffic or the local economic benefits of the railroad, but developing a community asset such as a multi-purpose recreation and transportation trail can help to replace this lost income to the community. Trails such as these can improve the overall quality of life for people in your community by providing a safe place for children to ride their bikes and for older people to recreate and enjoy life; by creating safe places for equestrians to ride; by encouraging older businesses to remain in the area and new businesses to relocate there; by improving property values of landowners near the trail; and by providing a convenient location for all area citizens to exercise, socialize and enjoy the outdoors.

NEXT STEPS: If you believe this corridor is suitable for trail use, we strongly urge you, or an appropriate local, regional or state agency or organization, to take action now. You can file a “boiler-plate” letter (found at with the Surface Transportation Board (STB) and the abandoning railroad using STB docket number AB-33 (sub-no. 281x). Filing this letter does not commit you (or the agency which files) to acquire this corridor; it merely gives you time to develop a rail-trail proposal and undertake negotiations with the railroad. According to the information we have received, you have until April 30, 2010 to file this letter. Even if you miss that deadline, there is probably still time for you to contact the relevant parties, since the railroad may have experienced a delay in filing all of the paperwork, or the STB may still have jurisdiction over the corridor. However, it is important that you take prompt action. The STB posts all abandonment decisions and filings at The filing for your area is posted at More information on the rail corridor, including a map, can be found in this filing.

You should also know the STB has imposed a $200 filing fee for all railbanking requests. Entities filing a railbanking request may request a fee waiver or reduction, and government agencies will receive an automatic fee waiver.

Throughout the process, make sure your local government officials and citizen activists are kept informed of the project’s progress. We also recommend that you contact your state trails coordinator or your state bicycle/pedestrian coordinator:

Jean Lacher, Manager
Office of Grants and Local Services
California State Parks
P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento CA 94296-0001
916-653-6160; Fax 916-653-6511

Ken McGuire, Chief
Bicycle Facilities Unit
Division of Local Assistance, MS-1
California Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 942874
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001
916-653-2750; Fax 916-653-1905

Both of these individuals are knowledgeable about state laws and resources and may be able to assist your community with this rail-trail project. Also, you may want to contact the abandoning railroad to add your name to their service list.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE: RTC’s website may provide valuable tools as you plan for a rail-trail, including how-to manuals, a Trail-Building Toolbox, our Publications Library and the Trails & Greenways Listserv for trail advocates and professionals. You can explore these trail-building resources at

Shimano is the Major Component Sponsor of the Warrior’s Society

Rock N Road Bike Shops, El Pollo Loco and Switchback Cyclery are Major Sponsors of the Warrior’s Society

O’Hara’s Pub at the Orange Circle is the Official Watering Hole of the Warrior’s Society

Hammer Nutrition is the official Nutrition bar and gel of the Warrior’s Society

The Warrior’s Society is a Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC) affiliated organization

The Warrior’s Society is a Tax Exempt Organization under 501 (c) 4 of the IRS Code

“Far better it is to dare mighty dreams, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take the ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in that gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat!”

Theodore Roosevelt

04/17/10 Warrior’s Society Weekly News

In this issue:

1. Vision Quest – ride report from Jeremiah Bishop the new Vision Quest record holder

2. Traverse event update

3. Toad Festival update


Jeremiah Bishop posted his experience in setting a new record for the Vision Quest on his blog at:


We’ve had a change in the location of the packet pickup for the Traverse. Packets will be giving out at Rock N Road Cyclery in Irvine.

We are encouraging everyone to pick up their number plate and event t-shirt packets at Rock n’ Road Cyclery in Irvine on Thursday, May 6th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This would save all of us tons of time the morning of the event. If you don’t pick your packet up at Rock n Road you will need to pick it up the day of the race at 6:00 AM.

Rock N Road is located at:

6282 Irvine Blvd
Irvine, CA 92620
Near by Santa Ana, Tustin, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach

If you cannot make the event and want to transfer your spot:

To transfer your spot you must first email us the name of the person.

You then (or the person taking your place) pay a transfer fee consisting of a money order (no personal checks) in the amount of $25.00 made out to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund.

You or the person taking your place must also include with that money order the event application (attached) filled out and signed by the person who is taking your place. It is also important that you write the name on the top of the app of the person who the spot was transferred from.

Mail the money order and filled out application to:

The Warrior’s Society
11278 Roanoke Court
Cypress, Calif. 90630

Once the application and money order is received I will notify you that the change has been made. All apps mailed in for transfers must be postmarked no later than Saturday, April 24th.

Chris Vargas
Executive Director


We have 66 spots left for the Toad Festival long ride and many spots left for the short ride.

175 for the long fun ride
No limit for the short fun ride

LONG FUN RIDE ($50) – 27.5 +- miles, 5,000 +- of elevation gain

SHORT FUN RIDE – easy ride on the trails of O’Neill Park and the Trabuco Wash
Adults ($50)
Kids 13 and under ($25)

If you plan on participating in the 2009 Toad Festival you must register by Friday, May 28th to receive an event t-shirt. Online and mail-in registration is closed but there is same-day registration at O’Neill. Same-day registrants are not guaranteed an event T-shirt.

You will pick up your number plate and event t-shirt the day of the ride starting at 7:00 AM.

The event fee includes awards for top finishers, t-shirt and lunch.

For more information on the Toad Festival fun ride go to the event web page at:

Shimano is the Major Component Sponsor of the Warrior’s Society

Rock N Road Bike Shops, El Pollo Loco and Switchback Cyclery are Major Sponsors of the Warrior’s Society

O’Hara’s Pub at the Orange Circle is the Official Watering Hole of the Warrior’s Society

Hammer Nutrition is the official Nutrition bar and gel of the Warrior’s Society

The Warrior’s Society is a Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC) affiliated organization

The Warrior’s Society is a Tax Exempt Organization under 501 (c) 4 of the IRS Code

“Far better it is to dare mighty dreams, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take the ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in that gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat!”

Theodore Roosevelt